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sw [2021/03/10 09:57] nikolalsw [2025/01/28 13:15] (current) – [DUNE for the Otter] nikolal
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 ====== Software Architecture ====== ====== Software Architecture ======
-The control box of the Otter ASV used by NTNU, use a customized version of [[https://lsts.fe.up.pt/toolchain/dune|DUNE]] running on the [[https://www.raspbian.org/|Raspberry Pi OS]]. +The control box of the Otter ASV used by NTNU, use a customized version of [[https://lsts.fe.up.pt/toolchain/dune|DUNE]] running on the Ubuntu Server 20.04.
-{{ :otteroverallsw.png?400 |}} +
-===== Raspberry Pi OS ===== +
-//Raspberry Pi OS// is a Linux based operating system optimized for use on the Raspberry Pi hardware. Due to the +
-great amount of community support available, and previous experience, it was chosen as the operating system +
-for the Otter. +
-Raspberry Pi OS comes in two official flavors, one with a full desktop environment, and one meant for headless (No screen, keyboard or mouse used, only remote access.) use. The Otter is controlled over a network connection, and having a desktop would only waste valuable resources. That is the reasoning behind why the Otter uses the headless version called Raspberry Pi OS Lite.+
 ===== The LSTS Toolchain ===== ===== The LSTS Toolchain =====
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   * [[dune_configuration|DUNE configuration]]   * [[dune_configuration|DUNE configuration]]
   * [[torqeedo_interface_dune_task|Torqeedo Interface DUNE task]]   * [[torqeedo_interface_dune_task|Torqeedo Interface DUNE task]]
-  * [[tbr700rt_dune_task|TBR-700 RT DUNE Task]] 
   * [[stratopican_watchdog|Strato Pi CAN watchdog DUNE Task]]   * [[stratopican_watchdog|Strato Pi CAN watchdog DUNE Task]]
 ===== Guides ===== ===== Guides =====
-  * [[sw_setup|Installing Raspberry Pi OS and enabling CAN bus]] 
   * [[sw_run_startup|Starting DUNE while booting]]   * [[sw_run_startup|Starting DUNE while booting]]
-  * [[ubuntu_cross_compiler|Ubuntu cross compiling with libraries]] 
   * [[cmake|DUNE cmake tips]]   * [[cmake|DUNE cmake tips]]
-  * [[glued_cross_compiler|Glued cross compiling for the Raspberry Pi]] 
   * [[neptus_tips_and_tricks|Neptus tips and tricks]]   * [[neptus_tips_and_tricks|Neptus tips and tricks]]
-  * [[enable_pps_support_raspian|Enable PPS support in Raspberry Pi OS]] 
   * [[boot_config|]]   * [[boot_config|]]
   * [[rpi_uart_setup|RPI UART setup]]   * [[rpi_uart_setup|RPI UART setup]]
-===== Source Code ===== +
-  * [[https://github.com/nikkone/dune/tree/ntnuOtterASV/|GitHub DUNE fork ntnuOtterASV]] +
-  * [[https://github.com/nikkone/neptus/tree/ntnuOtterASV|GitHub Neptus fork ntnuOtterASV]] +
-  * [[https://github.com/nikkone/imc/tree/ntnuOtterASV|GitHub IMC fork ntnuOtterASV]] +
-  * [[https://github.com/nikkone/imcproxy/tree/ntnuOtterASV|GitHub IMCProxy fork ntnuOtterASV]]+
  • sw.1615366674.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/09/19 11:33
  • (external edit)